Wednesday, February 02, 2005


to let you all know. IT'S A GIRL. They are "almost 100%" sure. S is already fearing all of the estrogen that will be flowing here at Casa de Austin. I reminded him that he will always have our male beta fish and guinea pig. Somehow, I don't think that made up for it. The due date is still the same: June 15th. As soon as I get near a scanner I will scan in the pictures. Though how those technicians know they are looking at a baby, I don't know.

1 comment:

Linda said...

YEAH - Congratulations!! Another girl. How nice that you can use a lot of the same stuff over again.

As much as my husband wants a boy next time around, I always secretly hope for another girl so that I can re-use all of the girly stuff I have.

And I tell my hubby the same thing -- our two cats -- both boys. Alyssa and I are actually outnumbered there!